Monday, 22 July 2013

Sunny Day Crafts

Now the sun is out we've been in the garden lots and Ellie has been enjoying some outdoor crafts! Her favourites are:
  • Giant chalks  - they are big enough not to snap and kids LOVE drawing all over the patio with them! And the beauty is that they wash off really easily! It's not just my 2 year old that loves it either, my 5 and 8 year old nephews love it too!
  • Water painting - Paint brushes and a tub of water keep Ellie entertained for ages. She paints, the sun dries it, she starts again! She even enjoys washing the chalk off with the paint brushes!

Thank-You Cards to Colour

I recently made this thank you card for my daughter to colour in to say thank you for her birthday presents, and thought I would share it with you all too.

Open it with this link, go to 'file' and 'download' to print. when you do print, go to your printers 'page settings' and select 'A4 Boarder-less printing'. It's designed to be printed on A4 and then be folded in half.

Happy colouring!

p.s. I used pictures and fonts that were free on the internet, so no copyright problems!

Make and Decorate Shields

These shields are really easy to make and the kids love to decorate them with stickers and play with them after! You can make them out of card or craft foam (I prefer foam, and you can get it quite cheaply in large packs).

Download the template of the shield (there's 2 to a page) and handle and either print it straight onto coloured A4 card to cut out and use, or print it onto scrap card, cut out at a template to draw around onto foam to cut out. You can attach the handle with staples or tape to the back.